Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Toys!

I'm not much of a sewer.  I do have some rudimentary sewing knowledge.  I even enjoy it.  But it's never been a main activity for me.  There's always been jewelry to make, resin to cast and things to spray paint before I've made it over to the dusty corner where I keep the sewing machine.  And the sewing machine in question?  A 3/4 size purple number.

This is the exact machine I have.

Well, now that I've given you some background...

About six months ago the laundry basket that I have designated for broken clothing was overflowing.  There were ripped seams and loose hems, jeans that needed patching and straps that needed reattaching.  It was a big 'ol mess.  So I got out the purple thing, loaded a bobbin, threaded the machine and sat down to fix the hem on a pair of slacks.  And then it happened.


Any sewer will know what I mean by this, and it usually just means that you threaded the machine wrong, or the bobbin didn't thread right, or that your tension is wrong, or something along those lines.  All of those problems are fixable.  But after lots of googling, manual consulting and phone calls with sewing friends, my thread bunching was worse, not better.  I held off taking the machine to a repair shop, and just did the work I needed to do by hand.  Have you ever hemmed/seamed/darned/patched an overflowing laundry basket of clothes by hand just to spite your sewing machine?  I have.  I gave it the stink eye the whole time, and made sure it could see me from it's dark, dusty corner of shame.

 That's pretty much what my stink eye looks like.  Fang and all.

Fast-forward to two weeks ago.  My sewing machine is still in time out, but I've just gotten back from seeing Megan.  And we've basically spent four days talking about her sewing projects, and going to fabric stores and talking about sewing projects, and buying patterns and fabric and adorable sewing boxes.  I got home and looked at my machine, and realized that even if I did get it fixed, that it's probably time for a full-size machine to enter my life.

I looked online.  I looked in stores.  I read blog posts and reviews.  I watched youtube videos.  I got confused and gave up.  But last Friday night, I got drunk, went to bed, woke up in the middle of the night, drank some gatorade and couldn't get back to sleep.  I found myself online, shopping for sewing machines and coffee makers.  (The coffee maker will need it's own blog post.)

Then I saw this:

If you've ever read consumer's digest (and what 25 year old hasn't been reading it regularly since age ten!) then you know what this symbol means.  It means this is the winner, and please just give these people your credit card number so they can mail you the best thing you've ever seen.  And it was slapped up on  (sorry, looks like it's sold out.)

Here it is.  Oh, you might be asking yourself, does that say Project Runway on it?

Why yes.  Yes, it does.

It came in the mail today, and it's currently sitting in my living room, looking as effing awesome and badass as a sewing machine has ever looked.  Tomorrow will be spent reading the manual and figuring out how to use it.  And the next two weeks will be spent trying out all the fancy schmancy stitches it has.

I'm so excited.  I don't even know what to make first. 

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