Sunday, September 25, 2011

On Getting It Together.

I've had a nice weekend.  Not a great weekend, or an exciting one, but two days off where I could do whatever I wanted.  And what I wanted to do was nap, watch Bridesmaids, go shopping with a friend and eat a hamburger.  And guess what?  I did all of those things.

There are some things I should have done--like the dishes, which have been piling up all week.  I didn't take out the trash, or do a load of laundry, or even press a button on the roomba so it would clean the floors.  I didn't finish unpacking my car from the art show I was in last weekend.  I spent two days sleeping in, watching movies, and taking baths.  I didn't cook anything for the upcoming week.  I sauteed some frozen pierogis and left the dirty pan on the stove.

I'm sure my mental block about housework isn't specific to me, but I do find it worrying that my dishes are done so infrequently.  I leave my laundry until the day I run out of underpants, then furiously do four loads.  I literally have to push a button to clean the floor, and yet it never occurs to me to do it until it's already after midnight and too late to vacuum if I still want to be on good terms with the neighbors.

I seem to always find the time for something I want to do.  Can I go to five goodwills in an afternoon?  Absolutely.  I can also watch the same movie three times in a row.  But I can't go into the kitchen to do some dishes during the third replay, because I will miss something.

So this weekend, though relaxing, was not productive.  Hopefully tomorrow I can get it together and make my apartment look more like a dwelling, and less like an episode of Hoarders in the making.

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